
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Things I've Heard in College, QV

Another fairly class-segregated (and really, really, really late) installment of what I've heard while in college.

First day of school, after classes, my roommate and a friend of ours are on the bus. There's this guy and girl sitting next to each other talking, and while eavesdropping (he was talking pretty loudly, anyway) we hear him say: "Men buy drinks for women that will at least entertain the notion of sleeping with them."
The conversation goes in and out for a bit, and then the guy says: "Relationships are like hunting deer. You can shoot deer with buckshot, and you kill it, and you're eating that great meat, and you hit that bit of buckhot and spit it out--gross--and that's what love is like."
He then asked for her name. At this point, we thought they were at least friends or dating, but they were complete strangers. My friend speaks up and jokingly added, "Look out, he may buy you some alcohol."
The guy said, "For coffee at least," and the girl consented. They exchanged numbers before we all got off the bus.

"Really, self-quieting?? I've never seen that in a class. I wasn't even ready to begin lecture. Keep talking." First day with geology professor. Later in that same class: "I usually just go over just the syllabus on the first day, so all of you can get back to--enjoying the beautiful weather." (It was pouring rain).

Someone in the dining hall, watching a girl walk by: "Don't girls know that walking that determined and focused makes them really popular with the guys? Bouncey, bouncey, bounce."

Linguistics professor talking about slang and examples of meanings that change over time: "Booty: There's the pirate chest for Captain Jack or booty, the anatomical part of a body. Like a booty-licious babe. And that chest can be full of bling, like bling-bling: expensive jewelry."

Linguistics: "Dogs have the innate ability to bow...I mean to bark."

"Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, try saying that fast at a party, especially after having a few drinks." The topic of long words in Linguistics also brought up the Welsh place name of "Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyhndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch."

"Fanny pack is also known as a bum bag."

Talking about the linguistic term cranberry morpheme: "I always want to go to a store and try to order some cranberry morpheme. The could make a new drink, maybe?"

"You know you've become fluent in a language when you dream in that new language."

Geology professor asking us where to have a study session, the conversation led to this: "From this day forth, Academic West, or the AW building, will be known as the 'Root Beer Building.' Agreed?"

"Relative dating is...not what it sounds like!"

"Still waiting for an actual earthquake during class, like next week while I'm talking about earthquakes. That would be awesome!"

"It doesn't matter where you get your appetite from, as long as you come home to eat."

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