
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Morning Write

Might start doing a regular post of morning writing. I know if I say daily it'll never happen. Once and a while is what I'm promising right now. Read if you are interested in free-writing, and peeking into the process of a writer.

The Cave
For millennia, the cave was just that, a cave, a hole in the face of a cliff. Through the gentle caresses of time, this cave's twists and turns were drafted and carved into the resilient Earth.

It hugged and caressed darkness, light, wind, and water within its deceptively delicate frame. Slowly, the years ticked by; each one leaving a gentle mark that was destroyed and recreated with a deliberate cadence.

When Man arrived, it was still a cave: A vast and winding passage within the Earth, just as it had always been. However, there was still a change.

As minute and quick as it was, there was a shift. Man lived in the cave, used it for shelter and protection. Light was cherished and held within the cave. When darkness shrouded the shelter, Man sought for safety in the resolute curves of stone. Life flourished within the cave, and water sustained it. In celebration, Man shaped and carved the wind into song and dance in thankfulness and reverence.

Life existed within the cave, and in time, so did Death.

Man entrusted his fragile body to the cave. When life went, the body was placed within the deep, sacred recesses of the cave. Flesh slowly gave way to air, bone gave way to dust. Man was one with the cave.

Man continued to live in the cave. Through the centuries Man and his many families lived as they had since the beginning. They too cherished, sought, flourished, and celebrated. Heated breaths and swinging limbs woke and caressed the dust of the cave.

Cave by MCVD. Used with artist's permission.

For centuries more, Man coexisted with the cave. The infinite value and importance of the cave was still celebrated and respected. Then slowly, Man left. He slowly faded in time, each year leaving less and less impressions in the dust, until the dust was only stirred by creeping rodents and seasonal winds.

Just as before, the cave was motionless, silent, and alone. Then, everything changed.

A great flash of light plastered shadows on the stone walls. A rolling heat battered and clamored within the maze of dirt and dust. The once steady and peaceful winds of summer raged and invaded the farthest and smallest alcoves of the cave. Dust hung in the air for weeks. The warmth and gentle light of the sun was veiled, jealously guarded by the clouds.

In time, Man wandered into the cave, weak and in need of shelter once again. He was thankful for the cave, but merely regarded it as another place of shelter. The deep reverie and awe was gone in all he did. He didn't dance or sing.

Instead, he fought with his family. He yelled and scorned any that entered, and spilled blood of those who ignored him. He fearfully guarded his new home, even as his strength wasted away. When only his bones remained, the cave didn't accept them. They weren't in the proper place, nor had they shown respect in life.

For years, the cycle continued. Man would find the cave, keep it with violence, and meet a silent and lonely end. The bones were always interred in the open, for birds and animals to do as they wish.

Over time, the cave grew angry and resentful of Man, of his depraved ways. Again there was a silence and loneliness about the world. Years slowly ticked by.

Once more, Man came across the cave mouth in time of need. Instead of entering, Man and his large family waited. They listened and watched the cave from a distance. Finally, the family entered the cave, cautiously, as if they had disturbed sacred ground.

This family was different. They were reverent, respectful, and kept peace among themselves. They sang and danced like centuries before. The anger within the earthen halls became silt that was silently carried away by the wind.

In time, the cave accepted them and when the time came, guarded their precious bones in the darkest fissures. Again, Man was one with the cave.

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